I recently completed mastering work and a remix for Matthew Connor, likely the most talented person I know. You can download the EP for free on Bandcamp in any format.
Some time ago, I stopped mastering other peoples work entirely but I continue to take work from this artist. Because it's so far removed from hard rock or dance music I usually don't have to deal with "loudness war" issues (dude, make it LOUDER). It's a treat to work on a type of music where subtlety and dynamics are valued. While working on this release I also attended a mastering workshop at Berklee College of Music taught by Stefan Betke (aka Pole) which conjured up some enjoyment for me again in obsessing about frequencies, dynamics, and stereo fields.
Matthew writes all of the music, often plays all of the instruments, and writes all of the lyrics and sings on his music. He's a near master at any one of these aspects and being able to destroy his talent, er.. I mean remix his music, is a real honor.