now part of Cycling74

by Clint on August 16th 2018

I bought the domain name on January 15th 2009, the exact day Ableton announced the very idea of Max for Live itself. I remember sitting on my couch, reading the announcement and subsequent forum chatter. The possibilities for such an integration blew my mind. The seamless fusion of c... (continue reading)

0xf8 VJ Demo Reel

by Clint on October 20th 2012

Back in 2010, I began working with Jennifer McClain to redesign the VJ setup we had been using both for club visuals, and for synnack live performances. I detailed the direction we were taking on the blog. In addition to rebuilding the Ji... (continue reading)

0xf8 Progress and Upcoming Shows

by Clint on May 15th 2011

In November 2010 I wrote a detailed write-up about what new activity was planned for synnack+0xf8 since the DVD was done. (Read it here: 0xf8 Phase 2). In preparing for two upcoming shows we really wanted to show some progress on the... (continue reading)

Reversing Workflow in Max

by Clint on May 8th 2011

@cycling74 recently tweeted asking "What is the best #MaxMSP advice you've ever heard?". A few good responses. I like "use route inside sub-patches so that they only need one inlet" for example. Here's one from me. When starting a new project in max... (continue reading)

0xf8 Phase 2

by Clint on November 16th 2010

Now that the init.system DVD is out, I thought I'd spend some time talking about the next big project for synnack and 0xf8 Studios. We've travelled around the world with custom video for the synna... (continue reading)

Making of init.system

by Clint on November 13th 2010

On October 22nd 2010, synnack and 0xf8 Studios released a full-length DVD on Force of Nature titled "init.system" (... (continue reading)


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